How to Use Tentaroo

To make reservations you need an account. Every unit (pack, troop, crew, ship, post) has a unit  account for pack/troop/crew/ship/post registrations.  Also, everyone can have their own personal or family account.  There will be some events that we ask the unit to register as a whole (Summer Camp), so you would use your unit account to register all in the unit.  Other events can be registered with your personal/ family account.  Please feel free to reach out if you need assistance!!  We are all learning the new registration system together but we will do our very best to answer any questions!!

Our website, facilities reservations and event registrations are done on a new Scouting-friendly digital platform called "Tentaroo".  There is a great deal of good support from Tentaroo, and check out the below video to get started.