Council Officers

The council is governed by a board of volunteers representing our council. A slate of Executive Board Members is presented annually by the Council Nominating Committee, as well as Council Executive Officers who are selected from the larger Board membership. The Council Executive Board meets four times a year and the Council Executive Officer Committee meets four additional times a year. 

The council holds an Annual Business Meeting in December to for the purpose of (a) receiving annual reports of the executive board, officers, and various committees, (b) electing members at large, associate and honorary members of the local council, National Council members, regular members of the executive board, and officers of the corporation other than the Scout executive, (c) receiving and approving financial statements showing the financial position of the corporation as of the close of its most recent complete fiscal year and the results of operations during such year, and (d) transacting such other business as may come before the meeting. Voting members include Chartered Organization Representatives, Members-at-Large, Executive Board members and Officers.

Position Name Telephone
Legal Counsel Sean Akins Email
VP Finance Bob Glover Email
VP Administration Mark Guyton Email
VP Properties Dales Hayes (740) 815-6483 Email
Ofi' Tohbi Lodge Adviser Jennifer LeBlanc (662) 714-1733 Email
VP Program Vance Perkins (662) 231-3229 Email
Council Treasurer Brian Reithel Email
Council Commissioner & Apilachi Advancement Chair Ty Robinson Email
Council President Sid Salter Email
VP Fund Development Toby Steed Email
VP Membership Brian Wells (662) 251-3275 Email