Pushmataha Round Table

Roundtables provide unit service that will assist unit leaders in preparing their youth to live the values of the Scout Oath and Law. Roundtables support unit leaders through delivering effective program ideas, relationship development, and timely communication. Roundtables also provide an opportunity for sharing experiences and enjoying fun and fellowship with other leaders.
- First. To provide the skill to do—skills, techniques, information, program ideas—the know-how that makes for successful unit operation.
- Second. To provide unit leadership with the will to do—the morale, enthusiasm, inspiration, and vision that periodically renew the desire to serve youth.
The Roundtable experience will inspire, motivate, and enable unit leaders to provide a stronger program for their youth.
All unit leaders, unit committee members, chartered organization representatives (CORs) and commissioners should attend Roundtable, but in the busy world today, it is understood that with everyone’s full schedules that all leaders might not be able to attend EVERY monthly Roundtable.
But it is almost ALWAYS possible that at least one leader from each unit is available to attend the monthly Roundtable.
Some units schedule rotations for their leaders to attend Roundtable to make sure there is always someone there each month.