Commissioner Staff

Commissioner Service is the group within the Boy Scouts of America that provides direct service to each Scouting unit (pack, troop, crew, ship or post). Commissioners are experienced Scouters who help chartered organizations and unit leaders to achieve the aims of Scouting by using the methods of Scouting. They help to ensure that each unit has strong leadership and they encourage training, promote the use of the unit committee and encourage a relationship with the chartering organization.

The Commissioner position is the oldest in Scouting and is the origin of the professional Scouter positions. From its inception, the commissioner has been a volunteer expected to work with and encourage Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Crew and Post Advisers, and Sea Scout Skippers along with a council's professional Scouter staff.

In our council, each of our districts has a "District Commissioner" who help support "Unit Commissioners" that provide support and information to unit leaders so they can deliver a high-quality program that attacts and retains youth and adults. In cases where a Unit Commissioner is not assigned, the District Commissioner provides the unit support.

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All the District Commissioners are supported by the "Council Commissioner" who also represents volunteers and Scouts to the counci's executive board, executive committee and professional staff.